Old Masters
1800 to 1914
After 1914
New Arrivals
Artist Index
Notable Sales
François Musin, The Pavillon du Rhin in Ostend
Nude in the Studio attributed to Herman Richir, c.1910-15
Fortuné Layraud, Young Neapolitan with Soap Bubble, c.1865
A 1670 view of Antwerp with the frozen Scheldt attributed to Erasmus de Bie
Gaston Bonneels (Born on 1891), At the Grand Café, 1913
The Fair by Emile Hoeterickx
The Nativity, attributed to Hendrick Van Balen
Evert Pieters, Two Young Dutch, c.1910-15
Armand Berton, La Leçon de musique, 1901
The Sculptor Studio by Jozef Horenbandt
Franz Van Holder